No matter how my friends just left me and I don't care
Whenever the rain comes down and it's seems there's no one to hold me
She's there for me, she's my mom
Just for my mom, I write this song
Just for my mom, I sing this song
Just for my mom, can wipe my tears
ust for my mom, can only here
Trap in a subway, can't remember the day but I feel ok
Damped in damn situation, in every condition with no conclusion
Whenever the rain comes downand it's seems there's none to hold me
She's there for me, she's my mom
You may say I have none to cover me under the sun
She's there for me, she's my mom
4 Pemisah Kata:
yep true ...nice poem and nice songs ..!!
sekarang nie saya dah mula rindukan mak saye..camne nie? nak balik jauh..nk telepon mak takde telepon..huuu..
sbar la dulu..ha,anta surat ke?;s sheila on 7's song..
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