Oct 31, 2011

I'm So Lonely,Listen To My Heart

I'm so lonely broken angel
I'm so lonely listen to my heart
I love you
Don't bring tears to my eyes
No, i can't
Without you i'm depressed
I'm so lonely broken angel
I'm so lonely listen to my heart
On I'm lonely, broken angel
Come and save me before i fall apart
Wherever you may be, i will be by your side
till the end, i'll be crazy about you
you , you don't know
that you are my life
return by my side
life has no purporse without you
there are songs that can really make you sad and cry when you hear them,,,,
but it's not actually the song, it's the person behind of the memories..

18 Pemisah Kata:

kim heeruul said...

gua pon lonely..
gf pon tak ada..hik hik hik..
gua suka hidup mcm nie,.,

GojesYoja said...

kne sgt ngn mawa yg tgh xde mood skrg ni :(

CikTeddyCorner said...

@kim heeruulala kim..merintih kat sini plak..hihi
rileks la bro..mude lagi kan?nnti jumpe la tu yg brkenan..kui3

CikTeddyCorner said...

@Ct Mawahuhu..nnti mood msti ade balek..

Unknown said...

tak pernah dengar pun...

Admin said...

memang best la muzik dia. rancak tapi sedih.

Pendamba Mawar said...

eh lgu faveret kita...hehe tiru la cik kasih ni

Unknown said...

napa sunnyi siti.abg kan ada di sini

CikTeddyCorner said...

@Ahmad Haziq Azlan dh blh dgr skrg kan?hik3

CikTeddyCorner said...


CikTeddyCorner said...

@Pendamba Mawar ahaa?yeke..sebok jela PM ni..slalu ikot ite..^_^

CikTeddyCorner said...

@khairul xde la..siti hepi jerk..lagu tu ha yg sedih..haha

Ibnushukran said...

broken angel.. huhu.. nice.. :)

YouSOF said...

InsyaAllah hidup tak akan rasa keseorangan kalau sentiasa ingat pada-Nya.. ;)

Rara. said...

aku tak suka lagu ini, entah kenapa ;)

keh keh keh

CikTeddyCorner said...

@Ibnushukran thanks ^^

CikTeddyCorner said...

@YOUsoF InsyAllah ^_^

CikTeddyCorner said...

@Rara. tp aku suka..^_^